There's the World Series, and Then There's the Hilarious #MuseumWorldSeries...

There's the World Series, and Then There's the Hilarious #MuseumWorldSeries...

Living here in Los Angeles, Dodger fever has spread far and wide (you know it’s a big deal when you can hear people throughout the neighborhood shouting at the game last night from INSIDE your house). Go Blue!

Well, not only does L.A. and Boston have amazing teams resulting in a bicoastal competition for the World Series baseball championship, but each city’s respective world-class museums are getting into the rivalry, resulting in the hilarious Twitter exchange smackdown through art that began yesterday. Check out a few of the exchanges:

(Image top: The Huntington in Los Angeles cleverly turned Gainsborough’s Blue Boy (the original #DodgerBlue fan?) into a cheerleader for the L.A. Dodgers with the team logo “added” to his famous blue satin knicker set)


And then, alas, it wasn’t a win for the Dodgers last night (above). But I have to admit, I’m almost looking forward to the next round of #museumworldseries more than the results of the next game! How will I be able to pay attention to both?


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